Friday, August 16, 2019

Wheezy & Friends - Logo Commission

Here is a logo project that I designed for a local growing foster home for cats and kittens. :)

Fresh Snow Background Exploration

It has been a while. I was working on completing a storyboarding course and also had a lot going on in my life. Here are some things that I have been working on lately. :) 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Art of the Storyboard with Lyndon Ruddy

Hello all! I know it has been a while since I have posted. I have been working on storyboarding courses from Aaron Blaise and Lyndon Ruddy. It has been a very insightful course, which I am basically almost done with and I will be testing out my skills on a project then I will be focusing on my figure drawing skills with Aaron Blaise's figure drawing course.

The storyboarding course has went over things such as: An overview of the Storyboarding and Storytelling process, Cuts and Shot Selection, Framing, Eyeline and the Rule of Thirds, The 180 Rule and Camera Angles, Using Camera Angles for mood and Power, Simulating the moving camera - Horizonal and Vertical Pans, The Moving Camera - Crane and Dolly, The Moving Camera - Push, Zoom, Snap, The Moving Camera - Traveling Pan and Tracking Shots, Cinematic Staging and Framing, His story process, Thumbnailing a sequence and Final boards. He even included a storyboard template, storyboard examples, and a storyboarding brush for Adobe Photoshop! I have been learning a lot! You can check out his artwork here:!  He has worked for Sony, Blue Sky, Warner Brothers, and more! He is an extremely talented storyboard artist and I am thankful that I have gotten the opportunity to take this course. :)


Monday, January 14, 2019

Jordan- From Distant Skies

Here is a character of my own. This is Jordan from Distant Skies. I am working on designing her character still and what she might look like. I hope you like it. :3
Human Reference from :

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Parting Ways - Finished

I finally finished my Voltron Fan Art for Allura and Lance for Season 8. I tried out clip studio for the first time. It was a fun ride and I have lots to learn with it. It's a great animation, illustration, and comic book software opportunity that is cheaper than most brands but with professional features. I am excited to learn more of it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Parting Ways - Sketch

The End is the Beginning - Always (Work in Progress)

Season 8 was so emotional for me. I love Allura so much. I resonate with her a lot and I love Allura and Lance. <3 I had to make a Voltron Season 8 Tribute to Allura and Lance <3 Huggle! Waaaah! Heart This is just the work in progress. I plan on posting the finished version soon! :3  The soundtrack of the show is amazing and so beautiful and heart touching.